Apr 11, 2012
Backyard Additions
In addition to the fig tree arriving, so did the rhubarb root and gladiola bulbs (from my order placed back in January). I was also given the gift of blue delphiniums that arrived in the mail from my grandfather (thank you!). Since spring is graciously early this year, I was able to move ahead and plant everything.
Despite my ever-increasing size and inability to bend easily, I still managed to get it all in the ground - 6 delphiniums, the rhubarb, and 26 gladiola bulbs - all by myself, something I am very proud of. Honestly, it felt really good to get my hands in the dirt.
The rhubarb is an investment for the future, hopefully next year in the early spring I’ll have enough to make a pie (or two!). I had plenty of gaps in the perennial garden to fill in where I had planted annuals last year or where things like my lupine died (from root rot, it was the wettest summer and year on record and they hated it).
If you can believe it, I’ve also been mulching our backyard for spring with a little help from Mike. Our system so far has worked quite well - Mike does all the heavy lifting, dumping 2 bags of mulch into the wheelbarrow for me. I can then take it where I need to go and scoop it out by the handful. No heavy lifting for me, but it gives me something useful to do on nice days while Mike works on the nursery projects.
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