Dec 20, 2017

Checking In

It's been forever since I've posted, I know. We're okay! I've just been overwhelmed - lots of good things and a few really hard things. You know, real life. Highs and lows mixed into the march of everyday routines.

I just haven't had the bandwidth for blogging, my focus has been elsewhere. And if I do have a break I've honestly been using the time to go to bed early and catch up on sleep. I'm incredibly behind on taking pictures and writing.

We've even been doing a few small projects and improvements - hopefully I'll be ready to pick things back up in January after the holidays and share them. Mike finished the bookshelf in the living room and it looks great. I've continued my organization efforts and worked to keep things organized - it's made a huge difference in keeping our daily routines more manageable. I have my sights set on some new ideas too.

The Christmas season is in full swing around our house and we're feeling truly blessed. Christmas with a 5 year old is like the peak magic stage and we're enjoying it as much as we can. Here's hoping the rest of December is quiet and enjoyable for everyone.

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