Sep 25, 2019

September Garden Check-In

It's already late September, another month flown by. A full month of the new garden being completely finished, and so far the charm hasn't gotten old. The flowers are at their peak now and it's quite pretty.

The pink thornless climbing rose is growing up the arbor. It seems to be quite happy in this spot - hopefully next spring it can really take off.

Flowers, flowers and more flowers. The cutting garden beds are just FULL of flowers now and it's so pretty. The zinnias and nasturtiums have taken over the beds. I definitely over-planted the nasturtiums (noted for next year). My new dahlias are doing well too - finally blooming! Even Oliver's sunflower from school managed to grow 10 feet tall and tower over the yard.

The tomatoes are a bit of a mixed bag. The yellow pear plants are completely dead, the others have blight... we've had some lousy weather this summer that just hasn't been conducive to healthy plants, and they had a late start outside.

I've been picking a lot of zinnias, I have at least 2 bouquets going in the house all the time now. And there are so many flowers it still looks like this outside. The bees and butterflies are very happy.

I still need to do some fall transplanting - the oregano, lavender and strawberries into the non-rotating bed in the back.  The giant sunflower is taking up a big chunk of space right now, but it's too pretty to dig up and there's a second bloom on it.

I can't wait for next year. It's going to be so awesome gardening in this space with a full garden.

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