May 13, 2020

May Mulching: It Begins

I mean to post this last week, but time got away from me. I am happy to say that we now have 5 cubic yards of mulch blocking our driveway now instead of rocks.

Ironically though... we actually had 2 deliveries. One for this mulch and one for MORE PEA GRAVEL. That's right. Apparently 5 cubic yards of pea gravel wasn't quite enough to finish the drainage project dry wells and the 4th trench. Whoops. And then Mike and I decided that we wanted to put pea gravel in the way back garden paths too (it really helps with walking in mucky areas and then we don't have to worry about keeping creeping thyme alive or mowing grass between pavers).

At least this pile of rock is in the backyard?

Not so great though... the delivery fell into the garden bed. I was planning on redoing the bed here anyway, but still not overjoyed with the extra work to get it fixed up (especially since the rock pile itself has to be moved back, otherwise the rocks just slide back into the garden).

Anyways. Mulch! Enough mulch to get everything looking good for the season and cover the new back garden we're starting as soon as the drainage is done (almost there! So close to the finish line!).

The front yard is mulched, I tackled that Saturday. Mailbox garden, long front bed and under the fringe tree. I love how crisp and clean black mulch makes everything look. And all the blooming flowers? It's making me really happy.

Sunday was a trip to the discount garden center. I spent the afternoon planting things in pots, and I'm REALLY I didn't put anything into the garden beds. The forecast looked a little iffy towards the end of the week, even though it was mother's day weekend - we couldn't possibly have a frost that late in the year in NJ right?! HAH! Our normally "totally safe" weekend for planting was made a mockery of with SNOW that Saturday. Full on freezing overnight temperatures (not just a frost, but a FREEZE) and snow. Everything had to be brought it or covered, so I'm really glad I only planted the pots - everything went into the garage or house for two nights. 

I am desperate to plant this week (I mean COME ON it's May 12th! I normally plant the garden almost 2 weeks ago!), but we have a frost warning through Thursday morning. It's like mother nature is also under quarantine and forgot to roll out Spring around here. 

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