The electrician came, day 1 of 2. Lots of large holes in my walls, scary crashing noises in the basement, and adding our new outlets. I got him to pop off half the kitchen back splash, held in with 5" nails like everything else in this house.
The plumber came back, we now have a working sink in the bathroom and shower hardware in the shower. I sealed the tile grout and caulked the seams in the shower, stripped the shower curtain rod with nasty toxic chemicals to get it ready for spray painting. The linen closet is primed and ready for painting.
The appliances arrived in the middle of the day. The refrigerator was delivered, hooked up and looks beautiful in the kitchen. In fact it's the only thing beautiful in the kitchen. The washer and dryer wouldn't fit into the basement. The door from the kitchen inside was too narrow. The basement door from the outside is wide enough, but the storm door wasn't. I measured the door but not the storm door. So the head guy calls Sears, I made an appointment with customer service for them to come back tomorrow to install them, and they leave the washer and dryer in my living room. That evening I called the delivery line to find out what time I could expect the guys tomorrow... and there is no appointment on record. After 1.5 hours of being on hold, being hung up on, being transferred to the warehouse, yelling, frustration and tears - I gave up. The best they could do is come back Friday. We're moving in Wednesday AND THERE IS A GIANT WASHER AND DRYER IN THE LIVING ROOM. Mike then called, actually got a decent human being and got the best they could give us, a Wednesday installation. It's going to be a very interesting move-in day.
niiiiiice fridge!