I am a sucker for The Shops at Target. Cute paper glasses and mustaches from the Curiosity Shop? Yes please! And when I saw the ads for Patch NYC with all of their woodland creature themed goodies I swooned. I’ve wanted a few more woodland things to “finish off” the bookshelves in Oliver’s room and thanks to the woodland trend, we finally have some at low Target prices. These candle holders are really cool - they work in the nursery now and in the living room later when Oliver has moved on. There's a woodpecker, owl and fox.
I also couldn’t resist the fox dessert bowl for decoration. It would look great on a dresser later to hold coins or trinkets. The mushroom and hedgehog candle are so fun and cute.
Nicole on Making It Lovely ( http://makingitlovely.com/2012/09/13/new-for-augusts-room/) seems to also be starting a Woodland themed room for her son now too! She's doing a fox lamp from Target from the Patch shop, plus that Land of Nod Woodland bedding you liked! Maybe she copying you?! ;)