Oct 5, 2010

Fresh New Landscaping: Back Yard & Side

During our landscaping revelry in the front yard, we actually put some effort into our back and side yard as well.  Of course while buying shrubs for the front, mums weren't my only impulse buy.  I have a soft-spot for flowers and also walked away with a small knock out rose bush - perfect for our super sunny backyard.

This rose bush actually had blooms on it, but they got knocked off before planting.

And I couldn't resist this dusty pink anemone.  It's a perennial (which means it comes back every year) that blooms in the fall (who doesn't want 3 seasons of flowers in their yard?!) and the blooms/buds sort of look like an under sea plant or an alien or something.  Double awesome.

We also added some plants to the side yard by our new fence.  My mom was given an abundance of transplanted hostas, several of which were passed onto me.  These plants require partial shade so they were placed on the shady (front) side of the fence and a couple more in the corner of the front yard.  The rest of the astilbe we broke up also went over here on the side.  Right now there's not much to look at,  it looks like a bunch of chopped off plants in the dirt - but in the spring it will be quite lovely...  I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Knock Out roses have more thorns than you know about.
