Oct 26, 2010

Our First Radiator Cover Done: The Master Bedroom

So here it is, our first radiator cover finished.  It's so beautiful - Mike did an amazing job.  They look professional in my opinion.  We painted it white - the same white as all the trim in our house.

It's such a relief to no longer worry/wonder if the heat is on when I get up in the morning (will I burn my legs if I'm not careful?!).  Plus it looks SO MUCH nicer than the chipping old radiator.  And there's a shelf!  For stuff!  (Though we coated the top lid with wipe-on poly for added protection - so we have to let that cure before I can put anything on it).

The radiator is not centered under the window, therefore the radiator cover is not centered.  Yes, we could have created an extra-wide box to compensate, but our bedroom is so small we didn't want to waste any space unnecessarily.  I still need to be able to open my dresser and all that good stuff.  Hopefully once I hang some curtains up (one of these days) I can camouflage it a little bit.

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