I’m back! I’m sorry for not posting last week. I just needed a week to catch up with everything and cut myself some slack. Time to do mountains of soiled toddler laundry, get the 10 million cracker crumbs off the floor, and get some much needed sleep so I could recuperate too. Things have just been a little rougher than usual. I’m normally a
when life gives you lemons make lemonade (or
lemon custard!) type person, but recently life chucked a few more than I could squeeze.
I don’t mean to complain, I really don’t. I’ve been back and forth and hesitating about even mentioning it because really I know we are incredibly lucky. It's just small, passing difficulties. Bugs we'll get over, a little bad luck, and a few bumps in the road. I have to remember to count our blessings. And we do have so many blessings.
To start the new week off right, I made St. Patty’s Day brownies for Oliver’s daycare party. I'm hoping to channel some of that Irish good luck and turn our streak around.
And while we're on the topic of brownies, one of my favorite tricks is to bake brownies in muffin tins. For the little ones, mini muffin tins. They make perfect sized portion, each serving is about the same size, and they all come out neat and pretty and round (as opposed to when I cut brownies in a pan and they come out as a crumbling disaster). It's such an easy trick - as long as you remember to spray the pan with cooking spray!
I hope everyone has a happy and lucky St. Patrick's Day!