Jan 6, 2016

From 2015 to 2016

Last year this blog suffered from a massive shift in our priorities, where we focused less on home improvements and more on family time, outings and experiences. I've never considered myself much of a "mommy blogger," so I only very briefly shared what we were up to. While we were a happy family and a very happy kid doing a lot of fun stuff, it left us with very few blog posts.

This year, even with the coming baby, my goal is to strike more of a balance. I don’t think I’ll ever get back to posting every day… but this year the goal is to post twice a week (with a maternity break of course). As I go back through the blog this year, I get a little sad - so many gaps in our life! So few pictures! Even if we didn’t have the time for a big project, it would have been nice to share a few more updates on what we were up to. We really had a great year together and you wouldn’t know it on this blog!

Things we did accomplish in 2015:

Updates you can look forward to in the first half of 2016:
  • Oliver’s new big boy room
  • A few nursery updates
  • Our mini office space in the basement
  • A new addition to our family!

1 comment:

  1. But I like living vicariously through you! It's fun to see what a young family lives like. You pack in a lot of fun stuff for the family.
